lane, mage
lane, mage
Celeste lights the way for her team, calling upon her stars for both artillery and long-range reconnaissance. Though fragile, she is well-suited to fighting from the furthest edges of battle.
Celeste Stats
Hit Points(HP)
632 (+65)
HP Regen
2.23 (+0.23)
Energy Points(EP)
380 (+32)
EP Regen
2.53 (+0.21)
Weapon Damage
10 (+)
Attack Speed
1 (+0.032)
20 (+6)
20 (+6)
Attack Range
Movement Speed

Heroic Perk
Julia's Light
Celeste's basic attacks have a spell component, dealing 65-115 (level 1-12) crystal damage with a 50% crystal ratio. Celeste's basic attacks also reveal enemy heroes for 1.5 seconds - even after the target leaves vision range.
Celeste Abilities
Celeste Abilities

Heroic Perk
Julia's Light
Celeste's basic attacks have a spell component, dealing 65-115 (level 1-12) crystal damage with a 50% crystal ratio. Celeste's basic attacks also reveal enemy heroes for 1.5 seconds - even after the target leaves vision range.

Celeste forms a small star at a target location, dealing crystal damage to nearby enemies. The star will briefly linger on the field. If Celeste uses this ability on an existing star, the star will go supernova, dealing more crystal damage in a larger area. Deals reduced damage to minions.
Celeste Abilities
Celeste Abilities

Celeste forms a small star at a target location, dealing crystal damage to nearby enemies. The star will briefly linger on the field. If Celeste uses this ability on an existing star, the star will go supernova, dealing more crystal damage in a larger area. Deals reduced damage to minions.

Core Collapse
After a brief delay, the target location collapses and nearby enemies are stunned and take crystal damage.
Celeste Abilities
Celeste Abilities

Core Collapse
After a brief delay, the target location collapses and nearby enemies are stunned and take crystal damage.

![Solar Storm [Ultimate]](
Solar Storm [Ultimate]
Celeste launches a storm of stars that travel across the world. Stars collide with the first enemy they hit, dealing crystal damage in an area. The number of stars increases each time Solar Storm is upgraded. Deals 50% damage to non-heroes and does not damage structures.
Celeste Abilities
Celeste Abilities
![Solar Storm [Ultimate]](
Solar Storm [Ultimate]
Celeste launches a storm of stars that travel across the world. Stars collide with the first enemy they hit, dealing crystal damage in an area. The number of stars increases each time Solar Storm is upgraded. Deals 50% damage to non-heroes and does not damage structures.
Celeste Skins
Celeste Skins
Baewitched Celest
Tier 1 / 1
For months and months, players have been pleading for a Celeste skin, chanting ‘she is bae!‘ in chat. The wait is over with an amazing limited-edition skin. Ride a broom, drop cauldrons from the sky and trigger a supernova to watch them bubble and explode! But we won’t stop there. Celeste will also have a full three-tiered skin coming in a future update.
Celeste Skins
Celeste Skins
Star Queen Celeste
Tier 1 / 3
The Vainglory community calls Celeste “bae.” How do we make bae more bae? By fulfilling the dream of her story. She was a princess in training, but she has come into her own; she has inspired her people, and now it’s time to challenge an evil queen for the throne to an empire. The Storm Queen is supplanted by the Star Queen.
“It was important that Star Queen Celeste fit with the theme of Stormlord Ardan, Cloud Raider Vox and Paragon Catherine. She is designed to appear like she commands a power far greater than herself. She’s space-opera cool and technologically colored. Her staff was based off of an astrolabe with orbiting planets inside. With this staff, Star Queen Celeste wields the power of the solar system.
Celeste Skins
Celeste Skins
Star Queen Celeste
Tier 2 / 3
Celeste Skins
Celeste Skins
Star Queen Celeste
Tier 3 / 3
Celeste Skins
Celeste Skins
Butterfly Celeste
Tier 1 / 1
Celeste Skins
Celeste Skins
Moon Princess Celeste
Tier 1 / 1